Quik Website Design has designed website for hundreds of happy customers. Please feel free to view some of our portfolio below. This is just a small example of what we can do for you…
Another Civic League website. They love it!
A government sales and contrat site that uses high end graphics to make an impression
The best golf cart site in all of Virginia!
A full-featured Civic League website with all the bells and whistles any civic league or membership organization would need to manage and run their local community
A very simple “information only” site that is not content managed. The business just needed a quick and elegant presence on the web to impress clients.
A local commercial and residentuial door company that needed a quick online presence to showcase their services and projects.
The most popular night club in Virginia Beach! The Eagles Nest owner tried to use YAC (Your Area Code) as their website provider but found it was too expensive and provided just average features. We amped up their website and will be packing it full of features for the administrators to use to promote their bar locations, events, menus and more!
A Virginia beach oceanfront condominium that needed to rebuild it’s entire reservation system. The board members did not want anything too fancy… just straightforward with a powerful administrative backend to manage all of their condo reservations.
Built back in 2005, this website uses a WordPress basic frontend and an entirely different system in the backend to run their ecommerce business.
Orphan Hosting and Adoption Website
An online booking website for Bands and Entertainers in the Hampton Roads and Southeastern Virginia area. The website has tons of features and allows Event Organizers to post Events at any Venue location and invite local bands to make offers on performing at the event. The website has Message boards, Automated Billing, Calendars, Email Alerts, Instant Notifications, and much more! Get your band booked on GETBOOKED757.com!
Contains an interactive map pf the Intra-Coastal Waterway! Awesome feature!
Website for the local chapter of the national company Mosquito Squad. Website displays articles and information about mosquitos and pest control as well as other information and videos about local services
A simple WordPress site to showcase their business and projects.
A website built back in 2004 to manage, create, edit and run unlimited numbers of athletic sports leagues. This website ahs full league, team and member management capabilites. I very highly customized site that has a lot of power to do a very specific and complex job!
Torch Yoga. A great place for Yoga in Virginia Beach!
Website has good administrator capabilities and plenty of growth potential. The client did not provide very much feedback, content or images, so the resulting site is a bit bare but can easily be filled with content when ready.
Merchant Accouts and Processing Company
New website for Virginia Beach Vacations, LLC. Displays everything a tourist needs to know about the Virginia Beach oceanfront. Full listings for Hotels, Restaurants, Things To Do, Shopping, Real Estate and more…
Complete Wine Search feature and all menus are easily organized. All menu items are easily managed by the restaurant and kept up to date. They love it!
And many, many more!!!!