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*IRS NOTICE LETTER (Fake Email sending a Trojan Horse Virus)

This email is a VIRUS.  It usually comes to your email in something like the following form….

Corona-virus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payment

The attached document is your eligibility notice!

We continue to process returns and issue refunds, we are making progress, but we are still experiencing some delays because most of the small and large business or tax-exempt organization are eligible for COVID-19 relief.

Then there will ba a file attached.  Typically this attached file will be a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet but it can also be in the form of others.

Within this spreadsheet is an image that looks something like this…

DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING IN THIS FILE!  If you click “Enable” for this document, then you will launch an executable macro script that will attempt to infect your PC!


Quik Website Design and Consulting Inc.