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You must understand the difference between the login boxes on the home page of so you know what each box is for and you know what you are logging into…

Hosting Control Panel

hostingThis is the box that you need to use if you want to log into your website Hosting account.


The Hosting Control Panel allows you to do some of the following common things.

  1. Check your Billing Balance
  2. Make Payments on your accounts via credit card
  3. Add / View / Manage Email Accounts
  4. View Website Statistics
  5. Change your Account Password and Account Contact Information
  6. Database Access and Administration (via PHPmyAdmin)
  7. and much more…

Login Requirements:

In order to login you must use the Username and Password that was given to you when you had your account set up. You cannot use your email address… it will not work.

Forgot Your Login?

If you are not sure of your login Username, you will need to call at 757-460-900 and have us provide it to you. If you have only forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot Password link. It will email the password to the account owner.


Logging into this section is for Account Owners only. Do not give this access to employees or any person that you do not trust 100%. If someone with bad intentions accesses the Hosting Control Panel they can delete your entire account, emails addresses and everything!

Web Email Access

emailThis is the box that you need to use if you want to log into your specific email account and check your email messages in your browser window.

Login Requirements:

In order to login you must use the full Email Address and Email Password that was given to you when you had your account set up.

Forgot Your Login?

If you are not sure of your Email Address or Email Password, you can have someone login into the Hosting Control Panel area and go to the Mail Info section and view your existing email accounts and change their passwords if needed.

AOL Browser Problems

This email login uses cookies to track the user. If you are using AOL as your browser window, you will not be able to login because AOL browsers do not allow cookies. You will need to open a different browser like Internet Explorer in order to login.


If you have already downloaded the emails using your local computer (office PC, home PC, iPad, etc..) and the settings for that device are not set properly the emails may no longer exist on the server and will not be viewable.

Anti-SPAM Login

spamThis is the box that you want to log into if you want to manage your SPAM settings.

The Anti-SPAM Control Panel allows you to do some of the following common things:

  1. Adjust your Anti-SPAM filter settings
  2. View and Manage Emails that have been quarantined as SPAM
  3. Manage your SPAM Whitelists and Blacklists
  4. and much more…

Login Requirements:

In order to login you must use the full Domain Name (ie… your “.com” name) and the same Password that you use for the Hosting Control Panel. You cannot use your email address… it will not work.

Quik Website Design and Consulting Inc.